
Bite-Sized Essays

When You’re in the Mood for a Snack

What to Say to a Buddhist Whose Loved One Has Died

Yesterday, Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, a renowned and beloved spiritual leader and peace activist, passed from this life to the next. My heart is heavy today and it’s difficult to put words to the page. But honoring Thây (Vietnamese for teacher) means...

3 Guiding Quotes toward Embodiment for Injury Prevention & Well-Being

If you want to be safe and well in this world – both physically and mentally – you have to be embodied. Mr. Duffy lived a short distance from his body.– James Joyce My work as a psychologist often focuses on helping people reconnect with their inner experience. We've...

If Change is What You’re Seeking, Seek Out Symbols to Show You the Way

I had a Big Dream – the kind of surreal experience that lingers for weeks, startles and transforms. Provoked by a guiding question, “Who is my ally?” I expected to greet some mystical creature. Instead, it was Geoff – my therapist.  My reaction: “Hell, no.” This was...