Aug 24, 2022 | Career, Navigating Change, Purpose
Serena Williams announced her impending retirement last week. When the news hit my feed, I was excited. A new stage of development for one of my favorite athletes! I could hardly wait to see what would unfold for this IRL superhero. My next thought was...
Aug 18, 2022 | Happiness, Navigating Change
“An important part of any practice involves learning when to just stop practicing altogether. Stopping gives you more space, which allows you to accept the ups and downs, the possible turbulence of the experience that may be generated by your practice.” – Yongey...
Aug 6, 2022 | Multimedia, Navigating Change
Change of any sort requires resilience. Interestingly, it can also create resilience. As we take action, we grow our capacities. The trick is to know when to do, when to rest, and when to realign. What I call the Resilience Bucket provides a way to visualize our...