Mar 22, 2022 | Values, Writing
Once upon a time, a group of professional and amateur chefs took a stand for ‘slow cooking.’ The slow cooking movement was born of a belief that cooking is an art and a cultural treasure that should be conducted slowly and carefully, in the context of love and...
Mar 16, 2022 | Career, Happiness, Purpose, Values, Writing
When did the world devolve from valuing breadth of knowledge and experience (remember the ‘renaissance man’?) to lauding narrower and narrower specialization in everything we do? In every walk of life – online writing, career trajectories, and even our hobbies – the...
Oct 20, 2021 | Community, Navigating Change, Writing
I’m in the midst of a weeks-long dance with intruders. On a daily basis, spiders parachute down to my penthouse balcony and weave their intricate webs along the railing. Unwilling to kill them, I greet them every morning, destroy their delicate homes and pray that...
Oct 13, 2021 | Community, Navigating Change, Writing
Newsflash: “Change Sucks,” says the founder of ‘Strategies for Change’ As a psychologist, business coach, and assistant professor, all of my work is focused on strategic change. I live, breathe, and sleep it. But I have a confession to make… I...